
How To Add Grand Total In Pivot Chart

When working with a PivotTable, you can brandish or hibernate subtotals for individual column and row fields, display or hide column and row grand totals for the unabridged written report, and summate the subtotals and chiliad totals with or without filtered items.

Subtotal row and column fields

  1. In a PivotTable, select an detail of a row or column field. Make certain it is a field and not a value.

  2. On the Analyze tab, in the Agile Field group, click Field Settings.

    Field settings on the ribbon

    This displays the Field Settings dialog box.

    Subtotals & Filters tab in Field Settings dialog box

  3. In the Field Settings dialog box, nether Subtotals, practise one of the following:

    • To subtotal an outer row or column label using the default summary function, click Automatic.

    • To remove subtotals, click None.

      Note:If a field contains a calculated particular, you can't change the subtotal summary function.

    • To utilize a different office, to display more than than ane blazon of subtotal, or to subtotal an inner row or column characterization, click Custom (if this choice is available), and then select a office.

      Functions that you can use equally a subtotal




      The sum of the values. This is the default function for numeric data.


      The number of data values. The Count summary part works the same equally the COUNTA office. Count is the default role for information other than numbers.


      The average of the values.


      The largest value.


      The smallest value.


      The product of the values.

      Count Numbers

      The number of information values that are numbers. The Count Numbers summary function works the same every bit the worksheet COUNT function.


      An gauge of the standard deviation of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population.


      The standard deviation of a population, where the population is all of the data to be summarized.


      An estimate of the variance of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population.


      The variance of a population, where the population is all of the data to exist summarized.

      Note:You cannot use a custom function that uses an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) data source.

  4. To include or exclude new items when applying a filter in which you have selected specific items in the Filter menu, select or clear the Include new items in transmission filter check box.


  • To quickly display or hibernate the current subtotal, right-click the item of the field, and then select or clear the cheque box next to Subtotal "<Label name>".

  • For outer row labels in compact or outline form, yous can display subtotals above or below their items, or hide the subtotals, by doing the post-obit:

    1. On the Design tab, in the Layout group, click Subtotals.

    2. Do one of the following:

      • Select Practise Not Show Subtotals.

      • Select Bear witness all Subtotals at Bottom of Group.

      • Select Bear witness all Subtotals at Top of Group.

Brandish or hibernate one thousand totals for the entire report

You can display or hibernate the one thousand totals for the current PivotTable. Y'all tin also specify default settings for displaying and hiding g totals

Display or hide thousand totals

  1. Click anywhere in the PivotTable.

  2. On the Design tab, in the Layout group, click One thousand Totals, and then select the grand full display option that yous want.

    Layout group on the ribbon

Change the default beliefs for displaying or hiding grand totals

  1. Click the PivotTable.

  2. On the Analyze tab, in the PivotTable group, click Options.

    PivotTable options on the ribbon

  3. In the PivotTable Options dialog box, on the Totals & Filters tab, do one of the following:

    • To display grand totals, select either Show grand totals for columns or Show yard totals for rows, or both.

    • To hide yard totals, articulate either Testify m totals for columns or Testify grand totals for rows, or both.

Calculate the subtotals and grand totals with or without filtered items

  1. Click anywhere in the PivotTable.

  2. On the Clarify tab, in the PivotTable group, click Options.

    PivotTable options on the ribbon

  3. In the PivotTable Options dialog box, on the Total & Filters tab, do one of the post-obit:

    • For Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) source information, do one of the post-obit:

      • Select or clear the Subtotal filtered page items bank check box to include or exclude report filter items.

        Note:The OLAP data source must support the MDX expression subselect syntax.

      • Select or clear the Marker totals with * check box to display or hide an asterisk next to totals. The asterisk indicates that the visible values that are displayed and that are used when Excel calculates the total are not the simply values that are used in the calculation.

        Annotation:This choice is only bachelor if the OLAP data source does not support the MDX expression subselect syntax.

    • For non-OLAP source data, select or clear the Allow multiple filters per field check box to include or exclude filtered items in totals.

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Subtotal row and column fields

  1. In a PivotTable, select an detail of a row or column field. Make certain information technology is a field and not a value.

  2. On the Options tab, in the Active Field group, click Field Settings.

    Excel Ribbon Image

    This displays the Field Settings dialog box.

    Subtotals & Filters tab in Field Settings dialog box

  3. In the Field Settings dialog box, under Subtotals, practise one of the following:

    • To subtotal an outer row or column label using the default summary role, click Automated.

    • To remove subtotals, click None.

      Note:If a field contains a calculated item, y'all can't alter the subtotal summary function.

    • To use a different part, to brandish more than 1 blazon of subtotal, or to subtotal an inner row or cavalcade label, click Custom (if this pick is available), and then select a function.

      Functions that y'all tin utilize equally a subtotal




      The sum of the values. This is the default part for numeric data.


      The number of data values. The Count summary part works the same as the COUNTA part. Count is the default function for data other than numbers.


      The average of the values.


      The largest value.


      The smallest value.


      The product of the values.

      Count Numbers

      The number of data values that are numbers. The Count Numbers summary function works the same as the worksheet COUNT office.


      An estimate of the standard deviation of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population.


      The standard deviation of a population, where the population is all of the information to be summarized.


      An approximate of the variance of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population.


      The variance of a population, where the population is all of the data to be summarized.

      Annotation:You cannot utilise a custom function that uses an Online Belittling Processing (OLAP) information source.

  4. To include or exclude new items when applying a filter in which yous have selected specific items in the Filter carte, select or clear the Include new items in manual filter check box.


  • To chop-chop display or hide the current subtotal, right-click the item of the field, and then select or clear the check box next to Subtotal "<Label name>".

  • For outer row labels in compact or outline grade, yous can display subtotals above or below their items, or hibernate the subtotals, by doing the following:

    1. On the Design tab, in the Layout grouping, click Subtotals.

    2. Do one of the following:

      • Select Do Not Show Subtotals.

      • Select Show all Subtotals at Bottom of Grouping.

      • Select Show all Subtotals at Top of Group.

Display or hide grand totals for the entire report

You can display or hide the grand totals for the current PivotTable. Y'all can as well specify default settings for displaying and hiding k totals

Display or hibernate grand totals

  1. Click anywhere in the PivotTable.

  2. On the Pattern tab, in the Layout group, click M Totals, and and then select the grand total brandish pick that yous want.

    Excel Ribbon Image

Modify the default behavior for displaying or hiding grand totals

  1. Click the PivotTable.

  2. On the Options tab, in the PivotTable group, click Options.

    Excel Ribbon Image

  3. In the PivotTable Options dialog box, on the Totals & Filters tab, do one of the following:

    • To brandish thou totals, select either Prove m totals for columns or Show g totals for rows, or both.

    • To hide grand totals, articulate either Bear witness g totals for columns or Show thousand totals for rows, or both.

Calculate the subtotals and m totals with or without filtered items

  1. Click anywhere in the PivotTable.

  2. On the Options tab, in the PivotTable group, click Options.

    Excel Ribbon Image

  3. In the PivotTable Options dialog box, on the Total & Filters tab, do 1 of the post-obit:

    • For Online Belittling Processing (OLAP) source data, exercise ane of the following:

      • Select or clear the Subtotal filtered page items check box to include or exclude report filter items.

        Note:The OLAP data source must support the MDX expression subselect syntax.

      • Select or clear the Mark totals with * check box to display or hibernate an asterisk next to totals. The asterisk indicates that the visible values that are displayed and that are used when Excel calculates the total are not the merely values that are used in the calculation.

        Note:This option is but available if the OLAP data source does not back up the MDX expression subselect syntax.

    • For not-OLAP source information, select or clear the Permit multiple filters per field bank check box to include or exclude filtered items in totals.

In Excel for the web, you can view PivotTable subtotals and totals if your workbook has PivotTables that show them. However, you won't be able to subtotal or total fields. You have to use the desktop version in order to be able to work with subtotals and totals. See Subtotal and total fields in a PivotTable.

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